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Ask Vicki
Ask Vicki anything, she may just answer.
Ask Vicki Your Own Question
Who will win AGT?
Trailer Talk Ep 4: I Got the Quarantine Blues
What happened when you left the show? What was your first serious/expense?
Someone asked me, which talent on #AGTPremiere I liked best?
Lori wants to know, what is your biggest heartbreak?
Angela asks, what made you start comedy? How did the animal prints start, what the significance?
Todd asks, Vicki is it better to just try to get thru 5 minutes or work on better material at first?
Kevin asks, how do you handle people going BANANAS when they recognize you out and about?
Could you please give a girl some advice or point me in the right direction to start a blog?
Shelby asked for advice to someone doing their first stand up?
Pat Levesque says, you give hope & inspiration to those struggling the road to success.
Michelle DiNatale, asks so I'm wondering, how do you relieve stress in your life?
Melissa Fanska asks, Would you tour with other AGT comics like Preacher Lawson or Drew Lynch?
Shirley asks, Vicki what's it like being a female comedian?
Diana wants to know, how do you keep up the stamina with all the touring dates!?
Leslie asks, Vicki, what has been the best advice you have received and how did it help you?
What do you do to keep the "Spark in your marriage"?
When is Hollywood going to give you your own TV show?
Do you wish that you could go to talk shows like Ellen or Jimmy Fallon?
Thanks to your inspiration I'm submitting an on-line audition to AGT. Any tips?
Who is your inspiration. I know you are mine but who are a few people that you strive to be like?
Have you ever successfully had a conjugal visit at a prison?
Did Heidi ever get you that bra?
Is your dog Jimmy a rescue?
Do you really live in a trailer?
Who picked your clothes on AGT?
Did Simon take you for a Grand Slam at Denny's yet?
Who was your favorite judge on AGT?
How did you get your start in comedy?
Ask Vicki Yourself Now
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