Shelby asked for advice to someone doing their first stand up?
The most important thing is to know that this first performance means absolutely nothing to your future as a Stand up. In that, I mean...
Pat Levesque says, you give hope & inspiration to those struggling the road to success.
We all have doubts about ourselves from time to time. Fear of our ability to succeed can hold us back but it cannot stop us if we don't...
Michelle DiNatale, asks so I'm wondering, how do you relieve stress in your life?
That's such a trailerific question. I relieve stress by opening a cold box of Chardonnay and sitting on the porch of my beautiful new...
Melissa Fanska asks, Would you tour with other AGT comics like Preacher Lawson or Drew Lynch?
That is a real possibility! It would be terrific and it’s in my heart to hope for this to happen! Drew and Preacher would be epic to...
Shirley asks, Vicki what's it like being a female comedian?
Shirley, I love supporting other women comedians because we do face a bit of a struggle getting some men to take us as seriously as they...
Diana wants to know, how do you keep up the stamina with all the touring dates!?
Hello Diana...Girl, as far as keeping up my stamina on tour, us sexty year old gals can run hard! I rest when I can and the love from...
Leslie asks, Vicki, what has been the best advice you have received and how did it help you?
Leslie, thank you for that thoughtful question. I am thankful for the wise advice I have been given over the years by many mentors and...
What do you do to keep the "Spark in your marriage"?
Eva, I am so glad you asked how do I keep the spark in my marriage! The word "Spark" is so apropos is because I usually think of a...
When is Hollywood going to give you your own TV show?
Hollywood is buzzing with meetings and plans so I believe with all my heart you will see me on your TV soon!
Do you wish that you could go to talk shows like Ellen or Jimmy Fallon?
I do look forward to going on Jimmy Fallon and Ellen, but my big dream is to be on the View! I believe in positive thinking and magic so...